The relationship I’ve had with my body and appearance hasn’t always been a positive one. At times, it’s still not. As you’ll discover, embracing confidence is a continuous work in progress for me. What doesn’t help, is the ugly truth that body shaming continues to be an issue in my life.
Recently, I’ve encountered more instances of body shaming than I can count. No matter who you are or what your appearance is, these harmful remarks always sink deep and more often than not, cloud your perspective towards your body and how you treat it.
Today, I’m opening up about my experience of body shaming in support of every woman that has ever been shamed about her body. I’m here to say you’re not alone, and to remind you of a few important things.

My experience with body shaming
Never in my wildest imagination did I think that my journey to becoming more healthy and my relationship with my body would become a window for people to negatively comment on my appearance or the daily choices I make…
I’m a fairly active young lady, some might even call me a ‘gym girlie’. Working out has become my saving grace, a form of therapy. A while back, I started posting my gym workouts to social media with the intention to motivate others because I knew how difficult it was for me to not only start my journey but to stay consistent.
Watching other people do so inspired me to get going. I wanted to do the same.
I knew I would open myself up to criticism by posting my gym videos, but I didn’t think it would lead to comments that would degrade and shame my body. Once I went public with my fitness journey, even if I happened to post a snap of my lunch, there’d be body-shaming comments rolling in…
This is a safe zone so I won’t repeat what I’ve had to endure, but I’m here to say that body shaming in 2023 is still a very real thing. If you’ve gone through something similar recently, you’re not alone.
The ripple effects…
Body shaming can cut deep and impacts our relationship with daily rituals that are meant to nourish us, like eating.
My relationship with food has always been turbulent and for a long time, I let negative comments about my body disrupt my already-rocky relationship with eating. The more shame I would encounter, the more I would not want to eat or even think about food at all. This eventually led me to developing an eating disorder – entirely a story for another time, but a very real reality that many women struggle with.
Comments like “What’s the point of gymming if you’re going to eat that bagel” or “Once you loose some more weight you can do or eat something” are enough to push someone battling with an eating order over the edge, and I often found myself hating and resenting my own body because of it.
I found myself being a body shamer to myself.
Flip the switch, surround yourself with support
Thankfully now I’ve developed a stronger, healthier relationship with my body and eating habits.
I still encounter body shaming frequently but I’ve flipped the switch. The negative comments inspire me to love myself harder, and in the right way – but I know this is not always easy. If my confidence triggers someone, it says something about them, and not me. When you love your body, you love all bodies.
Building a strong connection to your body is a personal journey that requires love and patience. To nurture a good physical connection with your body, frame fitness as a way to keep yourself healthy, not as a way to alter your beautiful appearance. When it comes to eating, remind yourself that you’re eating to nourish your body and there’s no crime in indulging in a treat.
Affirmations really do help
When it comes to combatting body shaming, positive affirmations can help steer your mind away from negative comments that don’t reflect who you really are. Remember, it’s all in the mindset. We’ll leave you with these facts, remind yourself of them when you encounter body-shaming remarks:
I am perfect and complete just the way I am.
My body is a vessel for my awesomeness.
There is more to life than worrying about my weight. I’m ready to experience it.
I deserve to be treated with love and respect by my mind.
I trust the wisdom of my body.
I am accepting myself as I am right now.
I am feeling good about myself.
My body is a blessing.
I give my body the respect it deserves.
I am taking care of my overall well-being.
You have the power to silence your body shamers by re-learning to love yourself and your body. This is the new journey I am currently on and I’m enjoying every second of it.
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