Are you seeking inner peace, a calmer mind, or a sense of grounding? Meditation can be the key to achieving these goals. By including regular meditation in your routine, you can train your brain to find clarity even in life’s craziest whirlwinds.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to meditate
Step 1:
Finding a peaceful space and environment is important to achieve a successful meditation sesh. Pick a space where you won’t be disturbed and you’re free from the distraction of other people. A cozy corner at your home will be a great spot for this.
Grab your yoga mat, light some sage, and get comfortable!
ALSO SEE: The scoop on saging & how to make your own smudge stick

Step 2:
The next step is all about comfortability.
Getting into a seated position helps achieve optimum comfort for meditation. Start by placing your body in a cross-legged position, ensuring that your back is straight and your hands are resting on your knees.
If you struggle with poor posture, meditating in this position can be tricky at first. This is a great way to realign your spine and get your posture back on track. If it helps, start with shorter meditations and work your way up.

Step 3:
Just breathe, breathing is a fundamental part of your meditation journey.
Once you’ve got yourself comfortable, close your eyes and allow yourself to hone in on your breathing. Take in a deep breath to hold space for your feelings, and then let go, exhaling and releasing those that don’t serve you.

Step 4:
Be present, focus on what you are feeling. If you notice your mind start to wander, bring it all back to your breath. It’s natural for us to be distracted by our thoughts, focusing on your breath is a great way to reel things back into the present moment.
Once you flex this muscle enough, it’ll become easier.
Step 5:
It’s better to start short meditation sessions. If you push yourself too much in the beginning, you might become despondent in your meditation journey and give up completely. Like with anything, it’s all about moderation. Training your mind before jumping in for a marathon.
As time goes by, you can add an extra 5 or 10 minutes to your session, until you find a good balance.
Step 6:
The most important step is to remain patient with yourself. Meditation can become overwhelming to some but it’s all about the journey, not the destination. It’s okay to become distracted, and it’s okay to try again tomorrow.

Woman teaching cute little adorable daughter meditating (Getty)
Step 7:
If you feel like you may still need some guidance, there are hundreds of meditation apps available that can assist you in getting there. Some are free and some require a monthly subscription. We recommend checking out Mindspace.

Happy meditating!
Feature Image: Getty