We have all had those traumatising moments where we accidentally spill our nail polish. Luckily, we can help you remove nail polish stains in a dash with just a few handy, at-home supplies.

Kitchen essentials
White Vinegar and Dishwashing Liquid
– In a bowl, mix equal amounts of white vinegar and dishwashing liquid and combine.
– Apply the mixture to the stained area with a clean cloth/
– Gently dab the area with the cloth.
– Once the stain has lifted, be sure to rinse the item in cold water.
– Repeat the process till the stain has completely dissolved.
Note: to prevent further spreading of the nail polish stain make sure to work the mixture from the outside.
Toothpaste and Baking Soda
– Toothpaste works not only to keep your teeth healthy and your breath fresh, but the paste works well to remove stains in your home.
– Simply take some baking soda and mix it with your desired toothpaste.
– With a cotton bud or ball, dip it into the mixture and apply to the stained area.
– Once the stain has lifted, gently wipe the area with a clean cloth.
Lemons and Orange Juice
Citrus is a great option to use if you want to remove a stain naturally.
– Cut a slice of your lemon and apply it to the nail polish stain and wait for it to lift.
– Alternatively, you can make orange juice and white vinegar mixture with equal amounts.
– Apply the mixture with a cotton bud to the area and wait for it to soften.

Non-kitchen ingredients
If the natural remedies do not seem to work, try these alternative methods:
Nail Polish Remover or Rubbing Alcohol
This is a method that works well for clothing items like denim, polyester or cotton.
– Place a clean white cloth underneath the stained area.
Note: To avoid damage please test the method out on an old piece of clothing before applying it to your cherished items.
– Soak a cotton bud or ball in some nail polish remover, acetone or rubbing alcohol.
– Gently dab the stained area.
– Do not rub the stain as it will further spread.
– Once the stain shows signs of lifting, clean the area with a fresh cloth.
– Repeat method if needed.
– Once the stain has lifted, rinse the item in some cold water before placing it in the washing machine.
Note: Work carefully with these products, making sure to wear gloves and always keep away from your eyes.
Featured Image: Pexels
This article was originally published on Food&Home