Actress Sandra Prinsloo is 68 and looking fantastic. Here are a few of her tips on how to age with grace and keep looking younger for longer:

Sandra Prinsloo
- Clean your skin twice a day, morning and night, and use thick moisturiser to keep it hydrated.
- Use loads of sunscreen, and preferably a foundation with an SPF of about 15 to 20. Sun damage is irreversible, so be careful.
- Go for products you trust. I’ve been using the same range of cleansers, day creams and serums from local company Cosmetique 2000 for over 24 years – they work for me. I love their Concepts Resurgence range with everything from face wash to eye cream.
- Eat lots of raw food, like fruit and vegetables. I believe that what you put inside your body shows on the outside, too. I must admit, I’ve never eaten fast-food in my life, and I can’t imagine I’m missing out on much.
- Try not to wear too much make-up. For every day, I go for a light foundation and a lick of mascara. If I wear lipstick, you know there’s something special happening. The purer you keep your skin, the better.
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